Thursday, July 21, 2011

Old Soldiers Never Die

A birthday wish to my good friend and predecessor at the Christian Coalition of Washington from 1993 to 1997. Dave Welch is currently the Executive Director for the Greater Houston Area Pastors' Council in Houston, Texas.

“Old soldiers never die. They just fade away.”
--Gen. Douglas MacArthur

Sir David,

What a month. Both you and Barack Obama celebrating your 50th birthdays!

Although you are now becoming an “old soldier,” somehow I don’t think you will ever “fade away.” You are certain to go out with a bang!

I think back to our earliest connection—it was shortly after your family arrived at Evergreen Christian Center in Olympia. I was told that some young guy was out in the foyer registering people to vote. Hmph…that job belonged to Shirley Brundage and me! We were the official whack jobs that always made the pastoral staff uneasy—what with thinking that God is lord of all—even Church and State. Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Welch.

Dave, while we’ve shared many worthwhile experiences along the path we’ve both been called to, one remembrance blesses me above most others when your name comes to mind.

It was some 17 years ago—probably that banner year of 1994 when you literally ran the tires off your car (as well as transmission and rear-end) recruiting Christians for county precinct work all around Washington State. This particular late spring Saturday morning, you, Paul Middleton, and I, were heading over Snoqualmie Pass for a ten o’clock breakfast meeting in Ellensburg with fellow Christian Coalition members.

We were just starting up the pass after a brief pit stop in North Bend, when you directed Paul to pull off to the shoulder behind what appeared to be a disabled car with hood in the air. As we approached the vehicle from behind, we could see a flat tire, and a lady standing nearby. She didn’t know what to do, especially with the locking wheel covers.

Now, there were several reasons why we could have been excused from pulling over. First, we were already running a few minutes behind schedule. Second, it was a busy highway and there were lots of other cars passing by and services were only three or four minutes behind us. And, third, we were dressed in business attire, including white shirts and ties. But almost before I could finish those thoughts, you had your sleeves rolled up and had pulled a tire and jack from the lady’s trunk. I’ll have to say at that moment, the Lord was showing me who you REALLY were—and are!

Some say that moments like that are opportunities for us to develop character. Nonsense. I say that moments like that reveal one’s character. I thank God for who you are in Christ.

I’ll always treasure that special memory of you, my friend. Have a wonderful 50th birthday.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Regulate Those "Baby-lovers"

An abortion doctor has been arrested along with nine other suspects accused of murder and other illegal practices at West Philadelphia’s “Women’s Medical Society.” Dr. Kermit Gosnell, 69, is charged with eight counts of murder in the deaths of a woman following a botched abortion and seven other babies, who prosecutors allege, were born alive following illegal late-term abortions and then were killed by severing their spinal cords with a pair of scissors.

Gosnell, who has never been certified as an OB/GYN, is also accused of re-using unsanitary instruments and performing procedures in filthy rooms. Some of the rooms had litter boxes and animals present at the time of the operations. A search of his office revealed that bags and bottles holding aborted fetuses were scattered throughout the building. Jars containing the severed feet of babies lined a shelf. Investigators also said Gosnell allowed unlicensed employees, including a 15-year-old high school student, to perform operations and administer anesthesia.

In Olympia, reaction to this news has been swift. On Monday, the House Committee on Health Care &Wellness will hear HB 1366, “Concerning limited service pregnancy centers.”

Incredibly—and I mean INCREDIBLY—26 House Democrats have signed on to a bill that not only ignores the practices of in-state abortion clinics, it actually imposes new peculiar burdens on CareNet centers that exist to encourage and provided limited assistance for women who wish to carry their babies to full term.

Essentially, House Bill 1366 requires centers that do not provide abortion services to disclose that fact in five different languages (English, Spanish, Chinese, Cambodian, and Laotian) in 30 point font on the front door of the centers, and on any advertisement or notice promoting the centers services.

HB1366 adds layers of regulations and liabilities associated with medical records that do not apply to any other medical/pregnancy (abortion) centers in Washington State.

And, HB1366 creates a private cause of action (lawsuit) against pregnancy centers for violations of any of the above regulations. In lawsuits against pregnancy centers anyone can be an aggrieved party even if that party has never been in or even seen a pregnancy center, and, there is no need to prove damages. Those who sue can collect legal fees if they win, but pregnancy centers cannot collect legal fees if they win.

In summary, HB1366 creates significant liability for faith-based pregnancy centers that receive no tax dollars while providing at least $16 million in free services to communities in Washington simply because they do not offer abortion services.

You may leave a message for your state representatives by dialing 1-800-562-6000—as I just finished doing.